


Understanding how energy flows through our bodies empowers us to take charge of our health and our lives.

Anodea Judith, one of the top thinkers on this subject, defines the chakra system as a “center for the reception, organization and transmission of life force energy”.

Collectively the seven chakras represent the evolutionary stages of human development which now is in the process of moving from the third into the fourth chakra. As we transition from the  love of power to the power of love, we embrace consciousness by bringing into balance the upper and the lower vibrations at the heart, the center of our being.

Individually, the chakras are a rainbow bridge between heaven and earth, stepping stones from matter to spirit and back.

They are vortexes of energy created by an upward and a downward current which spin in opposite directions along the central axis of the body, the spine.  Their spinning generates the auric field. The upward current moves from the basic instincts and drives towards freedom, expansion, abstraction and universality. The downward current moves from mind and emotions towards form, density and individuality. It comes down through the chakras and condenses into matter – idea to thought, to expression, to relationship, action, sensation and into physical manifestation.

The location of each chakra gives meaning to its place in the journey of consciousness.

The first chakra whose element is earth is located at the base of the spine around the area of the perineum. Its central issue is survival.

Chakra two in the lower abdomen deals with emotions and sensuality. Like its element water, it is all about movement and fluidity.

The third chakra is in the solar plexus area. Its element is fire and it is the center of power and will.

The heart is the home of the fourth chakra. It involves relationships and love and its element is air.

Communication and creative expression are issues of the fifth chakra which is located in the throat area. Its element is sound.

The sixth chakra is all about intuition and imagination and its element is light. It is located in between the eyebrows and is also known as the third eye.

Conscious thought makes up the 7th chakra, at the crown of the head. Here is  the seat of awareness.

When in balance the chakra system allows energy to flow freely connecting the human to the divine and creating an existence of wholeness, serenity and joy.

In the next few months we will explore in detail the individual chakras, their developmental timeline, issues, and specific healing practices. Feel free to comment, ask questions or share your experiences.



Consider this centering thought:

When you are in balance you walk in perfection.  You create a life of joy and enthusiasm, of infinite possibilities. Your body, mind and spirit are fully connected.

Our chakras are the way our soul creates our three dimensional self. It is an energy system that when in balance integrates all levels of our being. Each chakra addresses  a certain aspect of that being- our body and it’s survival; our sensuality; our power; our heart, inspiration, reflection and vision. Life experiences that have not been fully processed affect the balance of the chakra that they resonate with emotionally. They are like blocks in the electric system of our body that hinder the flow of energy.

For example, issues of safety in childhood lead to contraction  in the first chakra, which further causes health problems, prosperity issues, and trouble dealing with the demands of the physical world. Learning to access and release this fear by working through sensations in the body can help remove everything else that stands in our way to an inspired and  fulfilling life.

Understanding how this system works empowers us to make the changes we need so as to come into wholeness.

I find that coming into balance has become the focus of my healing practice. Whether doing workshops that resonate with me to create new avenues for my understanding of the process, or practicing my meditation in motion, I consciously work with the chakras to release that which I am ready to let go.

I believe that balance, like everything else, is a matter of choice.

Over the next nine weeks I will be learning more about each chakra in an online course with Anodea Judith who has been studying this psycho-spiritual map for many years and is considered to be one of the top thinkers in this area.

I look forward to sharing what I learn right here, one chakra at a time.

Here is a beautiful LAKOTA PRAYER that reflects this yearning for balance that we all have.

Great Mystery

Teach me how to trust

My heart

My mind

My intuition

My inner knowing

The senses of my body

The blessings of my spirit.

Teach me to trust these things

So that I can enter my Sacred Space

And love beyond my fear

And thus walk in balance

With the passing of each glorious sun.

Meditation in Motion


Healing yoga is a meditation in motion.

Stilling the mind and entering that sacred space of connection with the higher self is essential for healing. It is this coming into awareness that allows you to come into balance. You cannot change or heal that which you are not aware of.

Becoming aware of your body is firstly, being mindful of and respecting its current limitations. It is  staying present with the body as a whole – mindfulness of balance, alignment of the spine and breath, constantly in the background of your awareness.

As you quiet the mind and become the observer of your Self, you let go of competition, of having to be somewhere in your pose or your practice. You let go of control. You move from thinking to being.

Moving into the different asanas becomes a flow of awareness, allowing movement to happen with the rise and fall of your breath. Letting your higher self be the guide, feeling where it is that the body wants attention. Each inhalation an opportunity to fill yourself with Prana as you expand it into areas of constriction. Each exhalation a moment of release, of surrender into the pose.

This meditative flow allows you to be completely present in both the dynamic and static phases of the poses, micro moving with breath, observing details of sensations, staying in the moment and feeling fully. Enjoying the effortless flow of energy and movement.

And in that ocean of silence you see yourself becoming balanced, healthy and whole.

Meditation in motion is a powerful and life changing practice that restores peace and balance to the whole self. As with anything, the more you practice, the greater the results. You have the power to change your life.

New Beginnings

Ag center



With funds from the Bizarre Bazaar, countless volunteer hours and the amazing organizing power of Nancy, the ag center pavilion is even more special.

Be sure to check it out!

Go to for class schedule or join our Facebook page.



The Amrit Yoga Institute  where I had my Yoga Therapy certification this year is a learning center full of truly amazing teachers. My experience there was so profound that I was moved to invite one of my teachers to come to St. John to hold this workshop.

Believe me, learning with Liam and Radha will be special. I wouldn’t miss it!



Become What You Believe 

This week brings a new 21 Day Meditation Experience from Deepak and Oprah. As you learn to connect to your higher self, the very core of your being, you can begin to create the life that you want. Become What You Believe starts on November 2nd. You can register and participate for free by going to this link: