Dogs go through their own process of expansion of consciousness. Just like us, their awareness amplifies over their lifetimes. Some are here to help their humans through difficult times of growth and in this process they too experience these moments of awakening. When one of them leaves on his own terms, having lived a life of joy and fullness, you know he is an enlightened soul that can arrive in any expression of form. Sam was that.
His coming was a complete surprise but right away we noticed he wasn’t “just a dog.” He came with an intention of bringing harmony into our then hectic life. Over the years he continued to surprise us with attitudes and behaviors that were clearly above his mundane canine abilities. And since the passing of his best buddy Xica, our contemplative existence brought us even closer together. He loved nothing more than relaxing in the yoga studio and would inevitably be the first to go in every time I opened the door.
Evolution is not a priviedge, it’s a birthright of every creature who emerges into this dimension. Both dogs and humans evolve in form, as after all they’re nothing more than different expressions of the same – Consciousness (God, Awareness) experiencing itself as a human or as a dog. Each creation is a unique combination of traits, a certain persona that has desires but also challenges, needs and resistance. Experiencing life creates opportunities for growth and a blossoming of higher wisdom that brings all back to source and into a higher vibration.
If evolution is true for us it only makes sense that the same should be true for a dog. Each creature is a unique expression of consciousness wanting to experience itself and in that process experiencing growth and expansion.
Sam was more than ready to ascend and he did so graciously, and I will be forever grateful to him for being part of my experience.
The veils between the levels of existence are very thin but we are mostly unable to tune into these other frequencies while alive. The rainbow bridge is the connection between our physical state and the ethereal realm that awaits us when we leave our body. But while we are here, the practice of moving within and listening to that voice of connection is a very rewarding one. In healing yoga and meditation in general we move into that state again and again. As we emerge we bring back the knowing of a different reality. One where there is no resistance, therefore no strife, where love permeates the universe and all is in divine order. And where we touch the essence of Being.
Thank you Sam, my dearest friend for the love and joy you brought into my days. Thank you Sensei Sam for all the gifts of wisdom of these past 14 years. You continue to Be in my
Monica, so beautifully written; it touched my heart ❤️
This is so lovely. Sam was one of a kind.
deeply touched and happy you had a Sam in your life!
❤️ and light, Sigi
How lovely that you shared those years of companionship!
So beautifully written…What a special light! Thank you for sharing his light with abby and I!