Change is the nature of reality. When we resist change, suffering happens.
The universe progresses impartial to what we perceive as good or bad. But it is always changing and evolving, and in that change is the ever present possibility of redemption.
As energetic beings, focusing on what we perceive as good raises our vibration, and in turn attracts more of the same, a facet of a universal law commonly known in spiritual circles as Karma. Conversely, complaining or worrying about what may be, draws you into a spiral of negative emotions. Vibration responds accordingly.
The Law of Cause and Effect governs the entire pattern of creation. The reality that unfolds is a consequence of your frequency and while present day suffering is a projection of the collective karmic wheel, how we respond to it creates the next manifestation, and so on.
The spiritual teacher Tara Brach refers to a cartoon of two rats where one is running on the wheel spinning it ever faster, and the other is sitting on the ground peaceful and content. The legend underneath simply says – “I get it!”
“Getting it” opens a whole new world of possibilities of ultimately transcending suffering.
Practices of stilling the mind serve to have that realization and to return to it continuously, asking yourself – what feels good here at the level of Spirit – and focusing upon that.
The Ego will tell you it wants revenge for perceived injuries and will clamor for it. But that initial rush of self righteousness soon becomes regret and shame. The suffering grows and begins to pine for empathy retelling the story to fit its egoic needs and engaging with another’s pain body. The need to set things right begins to create ripple effects and radiates out to a whole group of people.
And thus here we are… lashing out at each other in misguided propriety.
According to the Buddha, hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone is healed.
Love is the soul force that can transform the world. And the doorway to it is presence.
Primitive energies such as anger, fear, delusion and greed need to be met in quiet awareness. Engaging the evolutionary force of the frontal cortex transmutes them into light, raising your vibration and allowing for your higher wisdom to shine into being a reality that is beyond your wildest expectations.
Here is a little pep talk to that effect by Esther Hicks: