

Understanding how energy flows through our bodies empowers us to take charge of our health and our lives.

Anodea Judith, one of the top thinkers on this subject, defines the chakra system as a “center for the reception, organization and transmission of life force energy”.

Collectively the seven chakras represent the evolutionary stages of human development which now is in the process of moving from the third into the fourth chakra. As we transition from the  love of power to the power of love, we embrace consciousness by bringing into balance the upper and the lower vibrations at the heart, the center of our being.

Individually, the chakras are a rainbow bridge between heaven and earth, stepping stones from matter to spirit and back.

They are vortexes of energy created by an upward and a downward current which spin in opposite directions along the central axis of the body, the spine.  Their spinning generates the auric field. The upward current moves from the basic instincts and drives towards freedom, expansion, abstraction and universality. The downward current moves from mind and emotions towards form, density and individuality. It comes down through the chakras and condenses into matter – idea to thought, to expression, to relationship, action, sensation and into physical manifestation.

The location of each chakra gives meaning to its place in the journey of consciousness.

The first chakra whose element is earth is located at the base of the spine around the area of the perineum. Its central issue is survival.

Chakra two in the lower abdomen deals with emotions and sensuality. Like its element water, it is all about movement and fluidity.

The third chakra is in the solar plexus area. Its element is fire and it is the center of power and will.

The heart is the home of the fourth chakra. It involves relationships and love and its element is air.

Communication and creative expression are issues of the fifth chakra which is located in the throat area. Its element is sound.

The sixth chakra is all about intuition and imagination and its element is light. It is located in between the eyebrows and is also known as the third eye.

Conscious thought makes up the 7th chakra, at the crown of the head. Here is  the seat of awareness.

When in balance the chakra system allows energy to flow freely connecting the human to the divine and creating an existence of wholeness, serenity and joy.

In the next few months we will explore in detail the individual chakras, their developmental timeline, issues, and specific healing practices. Feel free to comment, ask questions or share your experiences.

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Monika, a transplant from Poland and Brazil, has been practicing and studying yoga for over 20 years. She began her training in 1999 with Edely Wallace, (owner of Yoga Matrix Studio in Orlando, Florida) a yogi master, Yoga Alliance founder and author who studied in Belgium, Brazil and the US and who is at present working with lymphatic yoga research. She went on to study with Ariel Albani, a certified wellness and yoga facilitator and Reiki master. She furthered her studies while on a trip to India, practicing with different Eastern yogis and tapping into yoga as a complete path to wholeness. Monika continues to explore the infinite possibilities of wellness that yoga offers by becoming certified in Yoga Therapy at the Amrit Yoga Institute in 2015 and bringing elements of this therapy to her group yoga practice. In 2016 she was certified in the I Am method of Yoga Nidra and is weaving this technique of stilling the mind into her classes. Her Healing Yoga is a meditative flow of breath guided Asanas focused on quieting the mind and connecting with the Higher Self, in order to identify and target areas of imbalance. It is a gentle but mindful practice done with eyes closed so as to keep the focus within. Practitioners are encouraged to listen to their own bodies and to move with the breath, allowing a slow process of stretching and opening areas of holding in need of healing. Each inhale is mindfully guided to the area targeted by the specific asana. Every exhale is used to release tensions and toxins, balancing and healing spirit, mind and body.