I Am

(A Prayer of Presence)

Photo by Viky Becker

This moment is the only one that matters. Nothing else is real.
Made up of sensory perceptions it is ever flowing.

Being fully immersed in this flow I experience it without the commentary of the mind and find freedom from repetitive thoughts, patterns and beliefs that are not only mine but those of countless generations caught in fear.

By acknowledging that nothing is missing from my life in this moment, I’m able to see the wonder that surrounds me and I can say to myself out loud:
I am here to experience the fullest expression of consciousness as me.

I let go of fear.

I realize this moment in all its wonder.

And by embracing the mantra – Always Trust – I am free to be me.

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Monika, a transplant from Poland and Brazil, has been practicing and studying yoga for over 20 years. She began her training in 1999 with Edely Wallace, (owner of Yoga Matrix Studio in Orlando, Florida) a yogi master, Yoga Alliance founder and author who studied in Belgium, Brazil and the US and who is at present working with lymphatic yoga research. She went on to study with Ariel Albani, a certified wellness and yoga facilitator and Reiki master. She furthered her studies while on a trip to India, practicing with different Eastern yogis and tapping into yoga as a complete path to wholeness. Monika continues to explore the infinite possibilities of wellness that yoga offers by becoming certified in Yoga Therapy at the Amrit Yoga Institute in 2015 and bringing elements of this therapy to her group yoga practice. In 2016 she was certified in the I Am method of Yoga Nidra and is weaving this technique of stilling the mind into her classes. Her Healing Yoga is a meditative flow of breath guided Asanas focused on quieting the mind and connecting with the Higher Self, in order to identify and target areas of imbalance. It is a gentle but mindful practice done with eyes closed so as to keep the focus within. Practitioners are encouraged to listen to their own bodies and to move with the breath, allowing a slow process of stretching and opening areas of holding in need of healing. Each inhale is mindfully guided to the area targeted by the specific asana. Every exhale is used to release tensions and toxins, balancing and healing spirit, mind and body.