By William Stelzer – Image courtesy of Bajo el Sol Gallery
We are in the midst of the greatest shift in consciousness that humanity has ever experienced.
While wars and divisiveness continue to thrive in a dysfunctional and broken system, millions are awakening to a new world – one that is created in love. Evolution has reached a point of transcendence of mind.
An amazing tool of creation when connected to higher wisdom, the mind at its basic is mostly controlled by subconscious beliefs of lack, fear and unworthiness. These beliefs are fanned by outside interests through the media and ultimately to the detriment of those who spread such information. Our healthcare is reduced to getting rid of symptoms of malfunction. Our schools continue to teach information of no importance, guiding us into meaningless jobs, herding us along to the tune of lies and disproven beliefs about ourselves and the world itself. Our politicians lead in the interest of those who put them in power while bickering amongst themselves like children over who gets the trophy. The world we see out there is crumbling under ignorance and loathing. And struggle is the word of law.
The truth is nothing positive comes from struggle. And those who continue to champion the idea that change requires effort are themselves lost in that mindset, and are paying the price for that. Suffering abounds in every shape and form imaginable.
Change is a shift in perception.
It happens when you move from head to heart – when you find stillness at the core of your being; when you become the observer of what is.
Whether you like it or not, you are the creator of your reality. How you think and feel determines your experience in every moment. Once you realize yourself as more than this body and mind, you open the door to boundless creation. You are no longer a slave to a conditioned way of thinking and behaving, like a broken record repeating the same melody over and over again. You can let go of fear and the resulting experiences it creates. You can choose how you feel. That choice determines your vibration and what you attract into your life.
Eckhart Tolle, one of the best known spiritual teachers says – “Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen. No more is needed. Being still, looking and listening activates the non-conceptual intelligence within you. Let stillness direct your words and actions.”
Life happens moment by moment and now is the only moment that matters. Change is the constant. When you fail to embrace it, you are in resistance and therefore in suffering.
But right Here in the acceptance of what is, an ever flowing reality made up of realized desires is the potential. Life becomes, vibrant, joyful, fulfilled.
So what are you waiting for?
Be the change and step fully into your creative power. Create a new world, a new reality, a new beginning in every moment.