The birthing of a new world order is a messy thing. Both as individuals and on a collective level we are pushed along by often life changing events, moments of deep shame and painful reminders that there is still a lot to learn before we can step into the light.
The shock of the Capitol siege added another layer to the already complex national situation where Covid-19 death numbers continue to surge and ordinary people face unprecendented hardships in what is the richest country in the world. And while I avoid discussing politics, it is clear to me that these events are part of an evolutionary leap that will take us to another level.
In the spirit of letting go of resistance, Donald Trump is what had to happen to America. Ironically he has served his purpose well in making America great again.
The principles upon which this country was founded are indeed noble and inspiring. But the reality is far from it. This sad narcissistic dictator wannabe has revealed the true face of a nation that has presented itself to the world as the beacon of democracy. Every one of his lies and hate filled outbursts has made our better angels bow their heads in shame, his troubled countenance the distorted mirror reflection of our own, our anger a reflection of his. We see in him our darkest impulses and we cringe.
Being publicly humbled is never an easy reckoning process for the most powerful player in the world but it’s long overdue. And like each one of us individually, the collective energy of America is transmuting and healing as well. Triggers such as Trump expose our deepest shadows. We are quick to judge and condemn but we rarely look at ourselves. Here we are being forced to reckon with our behaviors on every level. The events of these last four years have disclosed the failed education system that teaches nothing really meaningful, leaving millions of people to fend for themselves barely knowing how to read or write and struggling to make sense of their lives. Their disenfranchisement breeds shame and blame and anger. This anger when stoked by social media and an unhinged showman can blow up worlds. The German magazine Der Spiegel on its recent cover very aptly portrayed Trump as the Nero of America. But what if we see this destruction from another perspective where the vestiges of the old, of which he is an integral part, are going up in flames so as to usher in the new?
While the recent events could have easily turned us into the biggest dictatorship in the world, the global awakening and the energy influx ushered by 2012 has brought us over the hump and collectively we are now moving into a new era where (as per Ray LaMontagne) – Weapons of war are symptoms of madness.
They are the product of a dysfunctional society that prioritizes greed over empathy. One that we have created together, not red or blue, white or black but every color, every race and every creed. There are no innocents. We are reaping what we sowed and just in time to prevent the extinction of our human race. In the name of progress we have poisoned our rivers and fouled our air, and created divisions that cannot sustain in the spirit of one planet, one home.
As a result of Trump’s small mindedness we are witnessing the waking up of the America that was built upon the pillars of freedom, diversity and innovation. Not the one that wears symbols of hate and uses weapons of war as shows of patriotism. Or the one that under the guise of spreading democracy to the world enriches its lords of strife.
It’s the America that holds a promise of a better world. The beautiful for spacious skies, not the one that sacrifices the lives of those who are in its way leaving destruction in its wake. The America of Muir, Roosevelt and Luther King, of open spaces and open minds. The America that continues to pursue the ideals of liberty, equality and justice for all. Not the one that creates slaves out of its own people to placate the god of GDP. The America that dreams beyond limits and welcomes cooperation. Not the one that fights to impose its superiority, that viciously competes for a limited supply, condemns losers and elevates winners to gods.
An America that is beyond grateful to be part of this planet and ready to lead the world to a bright and hopeful tomorrow for all. That is the vision we all aspire to. The new world arrives through us.