Clarity of Purpose

If you have ever watched a bird building its nest you may have noticed that each twig and fiber has a purpose in ensuring that the final structure is safe and durable. Our endeavors go beyond the survival of the species instinct but purpose continues to guide us. Ultimately when you look at all the studies of healthy longevity in seniors, one point becomes very obvious as the single most important factor for well being – a purpose driven life.

The lack of it also seems to be the main cause of depression. The inability to identify a deeper aspiration in one’s life becomes a nagging issue once there are glimpses of higher consciousness.

For those who have found their driving life force, enjoy the ride!

For those who are still searching and often feel despondent for not having found it, here’s something I have learned and continue to see every day.

As you move into higher consciousness and begin to live your life accordingly, you perceive that when you interact with others you inspire them to seek their own path. There is no effort, no striving in this work. It simply reflects all that you already are.

The practice of Ashtanga, the 8 fold path of yoga, takes you into that domain of grace. Observing the Yamas and Niyamas and taking the time each day to move into presence through a mindful physical practice brings you into a state of effortless being. The energy that emanates from you has a powerful effect on people and situations. It can literally change lives.

Finding purpose starts with an intention. This intention is nothing more than a mission statement which defines how you want to experience life. It integrates your doing into your being. Once you establish it, everything else starts  to fall into place. A natural path emerges and you begin to flow with life, more relaxed and more absorbed in what you are doing.

This path is one of selfless service and it can be in any field. Whatever truly moves you is pointing in the right direction. A state of mindfulness allows you to connect with your intuition and to perceive the stepping stones. Be patient as you wait for it to manifest but know that there is no deeper purpose than spreading love, compassion and peace everywhere you go and to everyone you meet. Simply by walking the talk you’re already doing that. A comforting word to a loved one, a compliment to a co worker, a hug to a friend or even a smile to a stranger will go even further in creating a deep sense of contentment and peace in your heart.

So next time that you question your reason to be here, stop, breathe and be grateful. You are already living your purpose. Every thought, word or deed translates into energy that is emanating from you. Not only does it affect others but it reflects back to you bringing more of the same. Having awareness of this prompts you to be more mindful and to step back from the drama when triggers happen. Being present as the observer of the self allows for conscious action instead of reaction. This action ultimately comes from the heart, a place of love, compassion and appreciation. Spreading that energy is your greatest purpose.


“In the end when these bones are only bones, all that matters is how much we loved and how much we gave….” – Gayatri by Benjy Wertheimer