Firing Up – Manipura

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“Lustrous gem” is the name of this third energy center that is represented by a 10 petal lotus, like a bright yellow sun.  It is the seat of power from where action comes.

In the second chakra polarities are used to create alignment. The third chakra deals with matter, energy and consciousness to create balance between power and intention.

Matter comes from below; intention comes from above from the thought realm. They meet at the third chakra and  with the flow of energy become will and focused action. Matter and motion create friction kindling the fire of the solar plexus. It is this friction that ignites the third chakra.

This energy center is governed by the element of fire. The ultimate goal of Manipura is mastery, a precise combination of will and surrender. It is the ability to transform intention into reality, to create life on purpose in an effortless manner.

When in alignment there is spontaneity and a sense of confidence. The individual is a responsible and reliable being with good self-esteem and a well balanced ego. He or she is able to meet challenges in a proactive manner and with a sense of humour.

But it is seldom that this chakra is in balance.

Manipura starts to develop around 18 months of age as the baby begins to assert its individuality. Everything is about me, me, me.  It is the time of the “terrible twos” when impulsive behavior is  fueled by the desire to experience the world. The child does what it wants to do without regard for consequences. Impulse control at this age very often takes the form of – “Shame on you….”or “…what’s the matter with you? Are you stupid or something…Can’t you do anything right…..”

The child quickly learns to either suppress certain behaviors in order to please or begins to rebel against control.

Shame is the demon of this chakra. It disables the will, creating a frustrated sense of self.

When more is expected of a child than is appropriate for their age, it makes the power chakra work too hard. This causes feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem.

If it moves in at an early stage, it shuts down the fire and causes a deficient chakra which  produces an individual who is weak, passive and tired with a victim mentality. It becomes difficult to follow through and accomplish tasks.

If shaming from punishment occurs at a later phase, excessive energy is unable to flow effectively producing anger and frustration. As fire is blocked and can’t get out, it reflects and turns back against itself, creating a vicious inner critic, masochistic behaviour and self abuse. It may also result in an individual who is manipulative, aggressive and controlling. Someone with an excessive third chakra can be arrogant, always needing to be right and to have the last word.

When experiences driven by either an excessive or deficient chakra begin to accumulate, they manifest as eating and digestive disorders of the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and liver. Ulcers, diabetes, chronic fatigue and hypertension, as well as muscular spasms are characteristic of imbalance in this energy center.

True power has ease but  getting to true power takes effort.

In part 2 of this post, we will explore yoga poses and different techniques we can use to balance the third chakra and allow ourselves to step fully into our power.

From Solidity Into Movement – Svadhisthana


The first and second chakras balance each other. One is all about earth and stability. The other is  the element of water, movement and fluidity. They are closely interconnected as without a solid base it is hard to move and without movement there is no growth and life can be dull.

Svadhisthana, the second chakra stirs up desire, awakens emotions and delights us with pleasure. When in balance, it gives us healthy boundaries, the capacity for enjoyment, comfort with intimacy and sexuality and balanced emotions.

The developmental stage of this chakra is roughly 6 months to 2 years of age. As a child begins to explore the world reaching out with all its senses, it  experiences pleasure and pain. Each experience shapes the way she or he will see life. During this time any kind of abuse, whether physical, sexual (covert or overt) or emotional can deny it the basic right to feel.

These sensations of pleasure and pain over time evolve into more complex emotions. As its emotional needs are brushed aside by parents who are too busy and later by a school system that fails to comprehend the concept, the individual may become very needy. But because this is seen as wrong or bad, he or she begins to deny his or her own needs. Suppressing stuff that we think will make us unlovable compromises our capacity to feel.

This results in a deficient second chakra which translates into frigidity, emotional numbness, rigidity in body and in life. Prana is frozen and it becomes difficult to move, to change, to flow.

In an excessive second chakra on the other hand, emotions run loose. Exaggerated  sensitivity, emotional dependency and all kinds of addictions whether to sex, alcohol or other drugs or anything else the individual seeks to fill the void, replace a healthy sense of self. Because we are dealing here with a fluid and ever changing element, someone may very well fluctuate from one extreme to the other. Bi-polar mood swings, hysteria and poor social skills are characteristic of this imbalance.

On the physical plane, strong emotions or their denial become sexual dysfunctions, disorders of the urinary system and reproductive organs, low back pain, knee troubles and a general lack of flexibility. And since E-Motions (e meaning out and movere to move) like water are connected with movement, something has to move out or change in order for the body to heal.

Moving emotional blocks in this area involves  work with the hips, pelvis, inside of the thighs, lower belly and knees. Bringing attention into sensations made more visible through the mindful holding of asanas guides energy into areas that are blocked and in crisis. Pigeon, bridge, frog and happy baby are very helpful in exploring feelings here at an edge. Focusing on an area for a few breaths with complete awareness of sensation, begins to move the emotional holdings in the form of energetic blocks.  Poses that are fluid, movement from cobra to child and back, cat and cow, circling of the hips, flowing with breath facilitate this release. As blocks are dissolved there is ease and grace in the movements.

Dance is also a wonderful activity to get things moving. Dancing to a certain kind of music which evokes the emotion being addressed, helps one to feel it fully and so process and release anything that is ready to go.

These two lower chakras allow for the physical manifestation of reality through the senses. A strong sense of trust allows movement to be bold and daring, soaring with imagination and creating an amazing life.

The Art of Manifesting


When we set a goal  for ourselves, we usually create expectations as to what achieving this goal will look like. We become emotionally attached to it and this attachment most likely results in fear. Whenever self doubt comes into play, fear takes our visualization and the accompanying emotions into “what if it doesn’t happen…” mode. Since energy follows attention, focusing on the negative blocks the flow of  energy which would fuel that expected manifestation and creates a different and often undesired outcome.

By setting a goal but letting go of the outcome, what it will look like and how we will get there, we remove expectations and resistance. This allows us to be open to whatever comes our way embracing every event as an opportunity that brings us closer to our goal. Keeping focus on a desired goal while being emotionally in tune with it as if it was already happening, begins to manifest it, sometimes in leaps and bounds. It is what being in the flow is about.

This process of manifesting is directly linked to the stream of energy focused on a thought, belief or image. When focus is directed by fear of the unwanted, that which we most fear is manifest. In the same manner when we remove the obstacle of fear and concentrate on what we wish for, that is what becomes our reality. Here gratitude plays an important part.

Removing energetic blocks that keep our mind permanently engaged in fight or flight relaxes the mind, letting go of control and allowing the heart take over the creative process. Heartfelt gratitude fuels desired manifestation.

It is a simple process of cause and effect and it is a choice. This is the free will of religious teachings and it is the underlying creative force of the universe.

And so is the manifesting process of our health. Positive emotions bring balance and wholeness to our being. When we eat what makes us feel healthy and fully enjoy what we are eating, our body optimizes the absorption of nutrients and transforms them into fuel. Practicing in a mindful manner an activity that brings us pleasure and well being, manifests a body that allows us to live life to its fullest.

So still the mind.

Go within and know where it is you truly want to be. How do you want it to feel.

Use your imagination to create that reality.

See it, smell it, notice the details, feel it fully.

Know that it is already happening.

Enjoy the process.


There is nothing more to it.