Love and Fear


Ultimately there are only two emotions – Love and Fear.

Fear, the demon of the first chakra is the root of anger, greed, jealousy and hate. It is the emotion that is constantly being explored for the purpose of control. It lodges as energetic blocks in our lower body where our survival instinct and drives reside, often stopping us from pursuing something our gut and our heart tell us we should. It prevents us from exploring new possibilities, opening up doors, stepping into a life of contentment and pure joy.

Fear blockages build up from womb. If the mother experiences fear, this emotion  will imprint itself on the baby. The Human Genome Project has shown this clearly. Fear changes the DNA. As the baby grows and begins to explore the world, fear is projected upon it from the outside. The positive kind of fear which protects it from harm establishes itself firmly. But so do other fears like lack and rejection. The first chakra comes out of balance, either becoming deficient, decreasing energy to avoid the threat or excessive, increasing energy to face it. As experiences perceived through these filters as negative accumulate, the veil through which one sees the world becomes thicker. Flight or Fight reactions flood the body with hormones and the entire being comes out of balance. At the extremes, the world and its inhabitants becomes a hostile place.

The lower body is the repository of the stress associated with this emotion. The flight or fight reflex constantly kicking into action, causes muscles to spasm, nerve impulses to fluctuate dramatically and areas to seize up. In addition the body responds by creating supports for the new issues in the form of spurs and connective tissue. Now there is a lot more to work with in the form of sensation. Energetic blocks resulting from this emotion, before manifesting fully as dis-ease, appear as sensations in the lower body – feet, knees, ankles, buttocks, lower back, the whole foundation is compromised. By bringing attention to these sensations in a willful and focused manner, we direct the flow of energy into them, dissolving, pushing through and releasing “stuff” we are not even aware we were holding. Here we work with the mindset and emotion of fear on a non-mental level.

In our practice, fear often stops us from moving into areas of the body that need the attention. Tight thighs for example will most likely trigger a “can’t go there” from the mind when guided to move into Hero’s pose or beyond. When we quiet the mind and move our attention to sensation we can gently and mindfully approach our edge in an Asana trusting that energy will guide us only as far as we need to go. Knowing we are safe.

On the energetic level we solidify our core as we ground. By engaging it on the exhalation, we contract it, hugging it tightly into our center and widening the base as we push roots into the earth. A strong core not only brings balance to the body but also creates a feeling of solidity, weakening fear’s hold and helping to release the blocks associated with this emotion.

This creates an upward spiral, for as holdings are released, energy flow is restored, pushing out more blocks and eventually establishing a sense of trust in the guiding principle of the Spirit. This feeling of trust is nothing more than a deep sense of knowing that when we let go of the mind we are divinely guided by our Higher Self, our higher mind, our wisdom. We are fully supported by the universe in its unlimited abundance.

And in that space there is no other emotion than Love. As the spiral continues on its journey upwards, there is compassion and a deep understanding that we are all One.

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” 

Muladhara – From Grounding Into Balance


–Image from “Clearing the Seven Windows to the Soul” by Anodea Judith–

Each chakra has its masculine and feminine energy. In the root chakra, the yang is the manifesting energy. It is the flow that pushes energy into matter creating the roots that penetrate the earth and allow grounding. These roots – feelings of safety, trust and vitality – create a solid foundation for growth.

The feminine or yin current draws energy from these roots, moving up and rising towards the third eye, into consciousness.

The balance of the two currents creates stability and a beautiful form, establishing firmly the right to be here and the right to have.

Since Muladhara is the first chakra to develop, all the other chakras are affected by its health. For this reason it is the prime focus of Hatha Yoga.

Legs, feet and lower back, as well as solid parts of the body such as bones or teeth, hold blockages associated with fear. The fight or flight reflex is part of this area. Other areas affected when it is out of balance are the large intestine, the bowels and the buttocks. It is a significant part of the body and the blockages can be crippling.

Frequent health problems are a result of an unbalanced first chakra.

A healing  yoga practice begins with grounding so as to reconnect with body, sensations and physicality. As we ground before we begin our practice, we create the foundation for our core. For as the feminine current rises, Prana  expands from the heart into every corner of the body energizing our being. And when Apana the manifesting current moves down into the earth it transforms this energy into roots needed for support. Anodea Judith refers to it as Consciousness Organized in Relation to Energy.

Begin in mountain pose by visualizing a square on the mat below you. Your feet establish the four corners of this square. The inverted triangle of your pelvis which is at the center of the muladhara symbol is pointing downward and right into the center of that square. As you consciously establish the four corners of your feet, inhale and see the Prana expanding. Here there is a sensation of uplifting, of creating space in between the vertebrae. On the exhale, feel your muscles and tissues hugging tightly into your midline, creating a strong and balanced center. That conscious expanding and contracting solidifies the Core, the center of our physical body which then naturally comes into alignment.

When you engage your core in mountain pose, the energy rises from your feet and into your legs. Your knees engage – do not lock them – rising  gently on the front of your thighs. Your buttocks engage and your tailbone tilts slightly under allowing the vertebrae to align all the way up your spine and into your neck. Your shoulders slide down your back body and your crown reaches up towards the heavens. The sushumna is open and energy is flowing freely.

Connect with your core before engaging in any pose. Establish the four corners of your hands when in downward dog. Before moving into any lying down pose, establish the four corners of your torso as if you were tucking in the four corners of a sheet when making the bed. In bridge, ground your shoulders and your feet and see them as the 4 corners of your foundation. As the navel lifts feel the energy rising up from the ground through these points. When your core is engaged, poses become effortless and you’re able to easily keep yourself at an edge helping to release that which doesn’t serve you and bringing your chakras into balance.

Vigorous exercises when done with awareness, as well as massage and lots of touch help to bring balance into this first center.

Affirmations such as these can be helpful as well:

The earth supports me and meets my needs.

I love my body and trust its wisdom.

It is safe for me to be here.

Nourishing Your Roots


Roots Annaberg

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. May it be all we truly desire!

At the core, every being wants the same things in their life – love, peace, abundance and joy. What we need to acknowledge is that we are not at the mercy of the unknown. Each of us has the power to create that which we desire.

The force which binds energy into form and creates the density of the physical world sits at the root chakra or Muladhara. This 1st chakra represents the material world and its element is earth. It’s purpose is to be our  foundation and the primal connection with earth’s matrix of life. It is also the seat of Kundalini, the liberating current of energy that is awakened when we step into consciousness. Here, when in balance, is the peace, stillness and solidity we seek.

Muladhara develops from womb to 12 months of age and its health is determined in part by the trust acquired by the baby during this period of time. A loving and nurturing environment that responds in a positive way to the baby’s needs will create a solid base for its growth. A well balanced 1st chakra translates into vitality, being comfortable in ones own body, prosperity, and feelings of safety and security as well as the ability to relax and be still.

On the other hand, physical neglect, malnourishment,  poor bonding with mother, or even an inherited or karmic survival fear will create imbalances that will affect how the individual interacts with the world. It will lead to a process of creation that comes from a place of fear therefore resulting in situations that carry this same vibration.  And it will affect the individual’s mental, emotional and eventually physical health. Issues with this chakra include survival, grounding, family, trust, home and nourishment. Physical manifestations from these imbalances can range from dis-ease of the feet, legs and base of the spine, to all kinds of eating disorders and problems with the solid parts of the body such as teeth and bones.

An excessive 1st chakra happens when fear of lack leads to overeating, hoarding and fear of change. It creates an individual that is often obese, sluggish and has rigid boundaries.

A deficient 1st chakra results in a fearful and restless person who has poor discipline and is often flighty. Fear of success leads to financial difficulties and inability to manifest abundance.

Yoga and the practice of self awareness is one of the best ways to balance this chakra. Working with asanas at your edge and focusing on sensations in the lower part of the body helps to push through and unravel energy blocks that cause it to be out of balance. It frees the flow of energy at this center.

The visualization of roots and the practice of grounding restores the foundation from which movement can originate and brings wholeness to the first chakra. While the feminine aspect of Muladhara draws nutrients from these roots drawing energy from matter, the masculine aspect pushes energy into matter creating your physical reality.

Health, wealth and well being are inherent within you and it is up to you  to manifest them in your life. When you allow yourself to come into balance, you connect with your Higher Self. Here the process of creation is a natural flow of love, peace, abundance and joy.

Muladhara is your starting point.